Sunday, March 23, 2014

Megan Ann and concerns about all day kindergarten

After reading at an article on, I learned about a full-day kindergarten bill that was vetoed by the governor. Due to the bill’s veto, a 17-member task force will not be formed to study the feasibility of full-day kindergarten in New Jersey. The task force was to have looked at existing data and then  gather the opinions of parents and teachers with regard to full-day kindergarten programs. Since this bill planned to only gather research and data, and not to enforce full-day kindergarten in New Jersey, I think the bill should have been passed. If the bill had been passed, the information gathered could have helped all legislators in making  an informed decision about  full-day kindergarten programs.   This information would have been beneficial to the legislators and to the people of New Jersey. 
 As a future teacher, I feel that these young children would greatly benefit from a full day of education. Not only would the students get a full day of academics, but also a full day of learning social skills.  With this veto there will not even be an opportunity to discuss this topic here in New Jersey.
What are your thoughts on this topic? Do you agree or disagree with the governor’s decision to veto the bill? Do you think the bill could have helped students in New Jersey?  Do you think that students would benefit from a full-day kindergarten? If so, what benefits do you think there are in creating a compulsory  full-day kindergarten education? Have you had any experiences in a half-day and/or full-day kindergarten classroom? If so, what are your insights?
For more information about the bill, here is the link to the article:


  1. I think that full day Kindergarten is beneficial, especially if students do not attend a preschool program. I do not agree with the Governor vetoing the bill, I definitely think that this matter deserved to be researched. I believe that the benefits of a full day Kindergarten are not only in a academics but in social interactions as well. Sometimes kindergarten is the only time that young children can interact with peers. I attended a full day kindergarten and I find that it helped me improve on my social skills. When I wasn't in school I was at home or at a sitter's house where all the other children were younger than me. School was my opportunity to learn from peers and interact with children my age. A full day Kindergarten also benefitted my sister, who did not attend a preschool program. The extra time in a classroom made sure that she had the necessary skills that she would need in first grade.

  2. Personally I disagree with the governors decision to veto all day kindergarten. I think that by allowing full day kindergarten it will help not only the students but the parents as well. Since school acts as a "daycare" facility, it will help the single parents or the parents that work all day and cannot get to pick up their children. I also think that by having full day kindergarten it will be beneficial to the student because then the student will be learning more and be more socially involved just like Megan said. I also think that it will be easier on the teachers because they do not have to split their days between two separate classes that could be on two separate levels of learning. I think that for a teacher to only see her class for half the day is not beneficial to the students learning. If they are with him/her for a full day then the teacher can become closer with the students. Having full day kindergarten can also open up more job opportunities as well.

  3. I think the idea of a full day kindergarten is a good one. I went to a full day kindergarten, and it really gets you ready for 1st grade. I know there are alot of kindergartens that are not a full day, and listening to the parents at my day care they are in want of one. I think it gets the students ready for a whole day of being away from their parents and day of learning and fun. I know some kids are used to taking naps during the day and I think a full day of kindergarten will help ease the transition. I don't really understand why kindergarten would not be a full day of school anyway.
    If you really want to transition your kids earlier, then I would think a summer program that is only a half day would be a good way to start. Then the next summer they could go all day in order to get them ready for a full day of kindergarten.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I disagree with the governors decision to veto this particular bill. Last semester I observed in a kindergarten class in Roseland, it was an amazing experience. Having a full day kindergarten program is extremely beneficial. When I observed in the kindergarten class I was constantly impressed by the achievements the students made academically and socially. A full day kindergarten programs allows students to interact with peers and also gets students used to being in a school routine for when they go into first grade.

  6. I am in a kindergarten classroom this semester and I know that the teacher struggles with getting the students to know everything they need to know for the common core standards. Even though there is no testing in kindergarten there are still certain skills these students need to learn in order to be on grade level in 1st grade. Right now she is currently beginning guided reading with her students. Some students really understand it while others struggle with the same words every week. If they only had a half day kindergarten there would be no way that any teacher could get in these necessary skills. Full day kindergarten should be mandatory so that students do not fall behind.

  7. I also disagree with the governors decision to veto an all day kindergarten. I think that a full day kindergarten will better prepare students for 1st grade. I think it will help students become more familiar to the school and the rules. I feel a full day will allow the teacher more time to accomplish what needs to be done. I remember attending a half day Kindergarten, and when first grade came along I was still crying for my mom. I think starting a child off in the full day setting right from the start will ease the transition into first grade.

  8. I think a full day kindergarten will benefit students. I observed a full day kindergarten and saw the students learning how to write paragraphs and reading. I think a half day in kindergarten will not prepare the students enough for first grade. Students learn more socially and academically in a full day because they have more time to spend in centers and subjects.
