Bullying is a very important issue
that is affecting children of all ages. It is also a topic that is very dear to
my heart, from being bullied as a child to being accused of being a bully in
high school. I have also had to witness the early stages of bullying in the
classroom and in places like a summer camp. Schools all over the world have
implemented anti-bullying policies. But does this always work? Most of these
programs only come into effect once an instance of bullying has already
I recently finished my research for my
scholar’s project which is on this topic. I found that one of the biggest
influences could in fact be to teach children empathy, kindness and compassion
at a young age. Some of the ways of doing this could be encouraging generosity,
fostering play, allowing for problem solving, active service, and exploring
other’s perspectives. One of the ways of teaching empathy is through children’s
books. This is what I focused on in my project. I wrote a book called
“Superheroes: Defenders of the Heart” which teaches children that they are all
different and unique and should not pick on someone just for being different.
It also allows for them to think about what they would do if they saw someone
being bullied. Attached is a link to my website where there is a PDF copy of my
My Question for you is:
What would you do to stop bullying before it happens?