Sunday, January 26, 2014

In Governor Chris Christie’s recent State of the State address on Tuesday, January 14th, the Governor proposed a longer school day as well as a longer school year.   The governor’s main goal is to  increase New Jersey students’ competitiveness. As a future teacher, I am not quite sure that I agree  with this idea. I can understand wanting to use the additional time to teach students but I fear that this extra classroom time would be focused on teaching the material for the standardized tests. As a child, I attended a private Catholic school and I was always jealous of my friends who went to the public schools who had a shorter school day. The article attached provides an interesting look at both sides of the argument as to whether or not New Jersey should have an extended school day and school year.
            As a future teacher how do you feel about the idea of a longer school day? How do you feel about a longer school year? Do you think that New Jersey public schools should begin to follow the model of charter schools that have a longer school day (by about 50 minutes) and have a longer school year?     The state requires a school year of at least 180 days.   Generally speaking, charter schools have a much longer school year?   If you believe that we should have a longer school day and a longer school year then what area of the curriculum do you believe should be stressed in those extra hours?